Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Baby got back(fat)

I've come to accept my fat rolls. We don't get along well, but now that I have learned how to control the jiggle, things are better. Back fat is a common phrase for me. I simple won't wear a shirt if it can't somewhat conceal my back fat. Right now, as I sit in Starbucks, I am wearing my typical four layers on my upper half: bra, anti-back-fat tank top, regular tank so my chest doesn't hang out, and my shirt. I have heard the argument that wearing four layers probably increases my inch count around my torso. Yes, it very well may do that...but these inches don't jiggle and my back is covered when I sit down. There are few things less attractive in this world than stretch mark laden chub spewing out over pants. I will take my layers, thank you.

Four major things you must look for when purchasing an anti-back-fat tank top are length and strength, material, and fit.
1. Length - will it stay tucked in when seated? Will it roll up and cause your roll(s) to bulge?
2. Strength - do you jiggle? Good tanks will minimize or even stop the jiggle.
3. Material - ideally, the material will allow your chest to be controlled but not squished (which will cause you to have the chubby neck look), and it will be non-silky at the bottom. This is crucial so it stays tucked in...you don't want to look great one second and pregnant the next.
4. Fit - it should be snug and may feel uncomfortable at first. If you can get it on and keep it tucked in, go with that size!

So far, the best tank I have found for this back fat issue is sold at JC Penney and is called "I am Yummie". It embodies everything I mentioned, comes in sizes up to 3x and is reasonably priced. However, I have not tried the Spanx tank yet but will give a full review when I do.

Good luck, ladies. Let me know if you find a great product, as I am always looking to reduce the mass.

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